Meet Us Halfway

Summer 2024

David Garcia Jimenez, Instructor and Students, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 90 cm, Courtesy of the Artist.


“Insularity and isolation are not only an issue for residents of islands or small places; increasingly, in the silos of self-reinforcing, algorithm-curated online communities they have become a dominant feature of public life everywhere. For this reason our journal aims especially to support writing that builds dialogue across barriers and boundaries, whether based on geography, exclusivity of knowledge or identity.”

Meet Us Halfway: a Journal of Arts and Culture is dedicated to art writing in Epetkwitk / Prince Edward Island and its surrounding region. Meet Us Halfway aims to serve as a journal of record, documenting the efforts of artists on the Island and elsewhere. We recognize the importance of public commentary and critical exchange within an art ecosystem.


Our long-term goal is to introduce limited-run print versions of Meet Us Halfway.

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If you would like to send in a letter to the editor, please use our contact form here.